12 Exotic Tropical Fruits You've Never Heard Of: Snake Fruit Will Amaze Your Taste Buds

7. Dragon Fruit (Pitaya)

Although dragon fruit has lately attracted considerable attention, many individuals are still not familiar with its variants or actual potential. Among the various kinds of this cactus fruit are the less well-known yellow dragon fruit, which has white flesh and a sweeter taste than its more often occurring pink-skinned equivalent. The fruit looks stunning; its outside is covered in leather-like scales that mimic dragon scales. The variety determines whether the flesh is white or deep magenta; it is studded with tiny, delicious black seeds high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Actually, dragon fruit plants are climbing cactus that need support structures if they are to flourish. Often known as "Queen of the Night," the flowers bloom at night and are among the biggest and most stunning of any cactus blossoms. For those who are health-conscious, the fruit is not only aesthetically pleasing but also loaded in antioxidants, vitamin C, and fibre.

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