12 Exotic Tropical Fruits You've Never Heard Of: Snake Fruit Will Amaze Your Taste Buds

10. Miracle Fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum)

This little red berry got its name from its amazing capacity to sweeten sour meals. A glycoprotein called miraculin causes the effect; it binds to the taste buds and changes their perception of sour tastes for up to one hour following ingestion.

Though not especially sweet, the fruit has gained notoriety for its ability to alter taste. After eating the miracle fruit, this special quality has resulted in "flavor-tripping" events whereby participants try other sour foods. Native to West Africa, the herb has traditionally been utilised by indigenous people to sweetify sour meals. Though freeze-dried pills are already on the market, the berries must be eaten fresh for best impact. Research on miracle fruit has ramifications for creating natural sweeteners and supporting patients coping with taste changes brought on by medical therapy.

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