10 Long-Lasting Nail Care Tips for a Perfect Manicure

7. Protection Against Environmental Factors

The lifetime of your manicure can be greatly influenced by environmental elements, hence protective techniques become absolutely crucial for preserving polish integrity. Extreme temperatures, sunlight, chlorine, salt water, and chemicals all harm the lifetime of your manicure. Apply a layer of clear top coat ahead of swimming to form extra barrier against chlorine and salt water. To stop UV damage and colour fading when outside, apply broad-spectrum sunscreen on your hands and nails.

Wear gloves in cold weather to guard against strong gusts and low temperatures that could make polish brittle and chip more readily. If you spend much time outdoors or under fluorescent lighting, think about applying a UV-protective top coat. Keep your hands away from direct heat sources like hot water or cooking surfaces; heat can cause lacquer to bubble or split off the nail. Wait a few seconds before touching anything to let hand sanitiser completely evaporate; the alcohol content might over time ruin your top coat. Before engaging in activities that can expose your nails to demanding conditions, apply cuticle oil to create a protective layer.

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