10+ Animals Whose Fur Patterns Will Make You Look Twice

3.A Dog With A Downvote

The internet has taken an interest in this charming dog because of its unusual and quite sarcastic marking pattern. Though his loving owner describes him as a wonderful guy, this dog has what looks to be a permanent downgrading arrow design on his chest, which contrasts quite humorously with his allegedly cheerful attitude. Running down his chest in a precise vertical alignment, the marking is extremely clean and arrow-like in its development.

Although the dog's somewhat depressed look in the picture might imply he is aware of his distinctive marking, it is more likely he is just caught in a moment of intense focus or introspection. The imaginative misinterpretation by some readers, implying that the arrow is really a useful guide as to where belly rubs should be applied, gives the symbol a wonderful positive spin. This other view turns what may be perceived as a negative symbol into a lovely appeal for affection, exactly matching the dog's welcoming character and the universal truth that most dogs indeed love belly rubs.

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